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Additives and Thinners Specification Sheets

Precision Coatings provides additives and thinners to adjust coating products for application in a wide variety of environmental and weather conditions.

Metal Conditioner Preparation for Carbon Steel and Aluminum

Additives and Thinners

Use Only As Directed by the Product Data Sheet for the Specified Product

12030 Two Component Polyurethane Accelerator

15000 Fisheye Eliminator for Two Component Polyurethanes

16050 Fast Evaporation Exempt Reducer for Two Component Polyurethanes

16060 Slow Evaporation Exempt Reducer for Two Component Polyurethanes and Polysiloxanes

16070 Urethane Retarder for Slowing the Film Formation of Two Component Polyurethanes

17000 Spray Gun Cleaner